Acupuncture Research
We would like to share with you our personal view, beliefs and approach about the research that is presented on these pages.
We both value the research of modern science and the many developments that have been discovered.
We also value the depth of wisdom and knowledge of traditional and classical five element acupuncture, which integrates the many aspects of body and mind.
We acknowledge the information gained from research, and we endevaour to use it where appropriate when meeting the needs of an individual who is suffering in health.
We hope later to share more information on the five elements of acupuncture.
Classical Acupuncture
(2015) Acupuncture for hot flashes in men treated with androgen deprivation therapy.
'Conclusion. Multiple studies support the use of acupuncture to significantly reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes in prostate cancer patients undergoing ADT. The benefit may decline over time and require repeated treatments.
The clinical improvement is likely related to acupuncture's ability to stimulate the release of endorphins, norepinephrine, and serotonin in the hypothalamic thermoregulatory nucleus and modulate the peripheral autonomic nervous system leading to peripheral vascular dilatation.
Thus far seven males on androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer have been treated with acupuncture for hot flashes at our center. All of the men had significant reduction in the severity of their hot flashes from grade 3 (severe) to grade 2 (moderate) and grade 1 (mild). The men also had greater than a 50% reduction in the daily number of hot flashes. Larger trials are needed to justify these results.
Until Western Medicine develops a safe and effective treatment with relatively few side effects, acupuncture should be strongly considered as an alternative, non-
Formulaic procedure: Points used. Ki3, Ki6, Lv3, Lv8, Sp4, Sp6, CV2, CV5, GV20, PC6, Ht7, Lu7.
Every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided in this site is accurate. It is not the intention to mislead or misinform anyone.