Drs Martin & Sue Allbright

'Blending an ancient medical approach of mind and body with modern health'


Acupuncture Research






We would like to share with you our personal view, beliefs and approach about the research that is presented on these pages.

We both value the research of modern science and the many developments that have been discovered.

We also value the depth of wisdom and knowledge of traditional and classical five element acupuncture, which integrates the many aspects of body and mind.

We acknowledge the information gained from research, and we endevaour to use it where appropriate when meeting the needs of an individual who is suffering in health.

We hope later to share more information on the five elements of acupuncture.


Classical Acupuncture

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4th December 2024

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Trigeminal Neuralgia

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(2018)  A comparative study of efficacy between

acupuncture therapy and drug therapy

for primary trigeminal neuralgia.

‘Conclusion: The treatment of primary trigeminal neuralgia with acupuncture therapy is characterized by better efficacy, higher safety and shorter hospitalization time, which is worthy of clinical popularization.

Songjiang Liu (2018)  A comparative study of efficacy between acupuncture therapy and drug therapy for primary trigeminal neuralgia. Int J Clin Exp Med 2018;11(8):8544-8549

www.ijcem.com /ISSN:1940-5901/IJCEM0074988

(2017) Therapeutic and Analgesic Efficacy of Laser in Conjunction With Pharmaceutical Therapy for Trigeminal Neuralgia

‘Results: The severity of pain was lower at the end of treatment in the case compared to the control group so this difference was statistically significant (P = 0.003). The severity of pain decreased in both groups over time. Significant difference was noted in this regard between the 2 groups either (P = 0.003). At the end of treatment pain intensity dropped in the intervention group from 6/8 to 1/2 and control group from 6/6 to 2/7.

Conclusion: Laser therapy did add to the value of pharmaceutical therapy for treatment of TN. Both groups experienced significant improvement over time. So it is better to used laser complementary therapy to reduce side effects and the medicine dosage.’

EBRAHIMI, Hooman et al. Therapeutic and Analgesic Efficacy of Laser in Conjunction With Pharmaceutical Therapy for Trigeminal Neuralgia. Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 1, p. 63-68, dec. 2017. ISSN 2228-6721. Available at: <http://journals.sbmu.ac.ir/jlms/article/view/15559>. Date accessed: 22 Jan. 2018.

(2017) Acupuncture treatment for idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia: A longitudinal case-control double blinded study.

‘Results:The mean pain intensity by the Visual Analogue Scale only decreased in the acupuncture group at the last evaluation (P=0.012). Patients in the sham-acupuncture group had an increase in carbamazepine doses according to the prescriptions (P<0.01). There was a reduction in secondary myofascial pain and mandibular limitations at the acupuncture and sham-acupuncture groups, however only the acupuncture group kept the changes after 6 months (P<0.01, P=0.023). There was a decrease in mechanical thresholds in the acupuncture group (tactile, P<0.01; vibration, P=0.027) and an increase in deep pain thresholds in both acupuncture and sham-acupuncture groups (P=0.013).

Conclusions:Acupuncture can be an option in the treatment of ITN due to its analgesic effect in both ITN and secondary myofascial pain associated with it.’

Ichida M.C.,  Zemuner M., et al. (2017) Acupuncture treatment for idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia: A longitudinal case-control double blinded study. Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine.November 2017, Volume 23, Issue 11, pp 829–836

(2017) Two Case Reports: Acupuncture Treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia

‘In this article are shown two patients, males, both 66 years old, diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia. Acupuncture treatments were made in our clinic for TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) and acupuncture with fire needle on a trigger i.e. Ashi points. One of the patients needed only one treatment, the other needed six treatments.’

Jihe Zhu, Blagica Arsovska, Kristina Kozovska, Karolina Nikolovska. Two Case Reports: Acupuncture Treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia. American Journal of Health Research. Vol. 5, No. 3, 2017, pp. 54-56. doi: 10.11648/j.ajhr.20170503.11

(2015) Acupuncture Reduces Trigeminal Neuralgia Pain.

‘A controlled experiment comparing the efficaciousness of carbamazepine with acupuncture. A total of 22 out of 40 patients in the carbamazepine group fully recovered. A total of 30 out of 40 patients fully recovered in the acupuncture group. This yields a 55% cure rate for carbamazepine and 70% for acupuncture.

Treatment Methods. The carbamazepine group patients initially consumed 100 mg carbamazepine tablets, 2 times per day. The rate of consumption was subsequently increased to 4 times per day and the dosage was increased incrementally according to a patient’s condition. The maximum dosage was set to a limit of 1 g per day. If pain levels significantly reduced per a specific dosage range within 2 days, carbamazepine consumption was regulated at 500 - 800 mg per day.

The acupuncture group received the application of filiform acupuncture needles at the following acupoints: Tai Yang (Supreme Yang), LI4 (Hegu, Joining Valley), LI7 (Wenliu, Warm Flow), ST7 (Xiaguan, Lower Controller), Yin Tang (Hall of Impression), DU20 (Baihui, Hundred Meetings), GB 20 (Fengchi, Wind Pool), ST6 (Jiache, Jaw Bone). Acupuncture was first applied to Tai Yang. Next, 2 - 3” needling was threaded from ST6 along the zygomatic arch. Evoking intense soreness at the two points noticeably induced analgesia. Next, Bai Hui was needled horizontally for 0.7” and Yin Tang for 0.3”. GB20 was needled at the appropriate angle towards the eyes to a depth of 1”. The last stage involved application of acupuncture to LI4 and LI7.’

Chen Kepeng, Tian Long, (2015) Clinical discussion on treating primary trigeminal neuralgia, Clinical Journal of Chinese Medicine, These are translations from the original Chinese submitted by translators in China to HealthCMi Support

(2010) A systematic review on acupuncture for trigeminal neuralgia.

‘RESULTS: Twelve studies met the inclusion criteria with 506 people in the acupuncture arm and 414 people in the control arm, in which carbamazepine (CBZ) was used as the control treatment. Four trials reported that acupuncture was superior to CBZ, and the remaining eight studies showed no difference between the treatment and control groups. Adverse effects of acupuncture, which were reported in three studies, were mild.

CONCLUSION:The evidence reviewed previously suggests that acupuncture is of similar efficacy as CBZ but with fewer adverse effects in treatment of TN.’

Liu H et al. A systematic review on acupuncture for trigeminal neuralgia. Altern Ther Health Med 2010; 16: 30-5.

(2009) Successful Treatment of a Resistance Trigeminal Neuralgia Patient By Acupuncture

‘CASE DESCRIPTION. A 66-year-old woman was referred with a typical TN pain on the left side of her face for 25 years. She was diagnosed with TN after evaluation and work-up by a neurologist. She used medications, including phenytoin (200 mg per day) and carbamazepine (600 mg per day). The pain was triggered by speaking, eating or touching. The pain was evaluated using a visual analog scale (VAS), which ranged from 0 (no pain) to 10 (worst pain imaginable). According to the VAS, the patient rated her pain as 10. She had, to date, experienced no beneficial effects from several therapeutic methods, including medication (carbamazepine, gabapentin and valproic acid), nerve block and radiofrequency rhizotomy of the infraorbital branch of the trigeminal nerve. Acupuncture treatment was initiated without making any change to her drug regime. Acupuncture needles (0.20 × 13 mm needles for the face and 0.25 x 25 mm needles for the other regions) were inserted on the typical areas that are used for trigeminal neuralgia. For facial neuralgia, the protocol utilized local points of TH 17 and 21, GB2, SI 18, ST 2, 3 and 7, GV 26 and LI 20; systemic points included TH 5, LI 4, ST 36, ST 44, ST 45 and LIV 3. Auricular acupuncture points were also used (Shen Men, neuro, face and lung points). Needles were not manipulated, and no attempt was made to elicit De-Qi. Every treatment session lasted about forty-five minutes, three times a week. After the fourth session, she reported that she had been relieved almost pain free. By the sixth week (14 sessions), the patient was completely free of pain (VAS = 0) and was still pain free at the end of sixth month.’

Hüseyin Sert, Burhanettin Usta, Bünyamin Muslu, and Muhammet Gözdemir (2009) Successful Treatment of a Resistance Trigeminal Neuralgia Patient By Acupuncture. Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2009 Dec; 64(12): 1225–1226.. doi:  10.1590/S1807-59322009001200014


‘PATIENTS METHOD AND RESULTS. During the last 5 years we treated 36 cases of trigeminal neuralgia who reported to our pain clinic. All of them were on carbamazepine (tegretol) for more than one month and had no pain relief. Male to female ratio was 1:3 (male 9 and female 27). Two acupuncture needles were inserted at point taiying (about 2 cm outer side of eye canthus) and yangbai (about 2 cm above the eyebrow) on the affected side. For half an hour needles were stimulated with (BT 701 electroacupuncture machine) low frequency and high intensity. This form of stimulation is thought to inhibit pain by activating enkephalinegic interneurones in the dorsal horn and invoke production of endorphins in the brain. Treat­ment was continued for 15 days as first course of treatment. After interval of 2 weeks second course was started in few patients. Maximum 2-5 courses were needed for most of the patients to get maximum benefit. Fifteen patients showed excellent improvement. They stopped taking all drugs. There was no recurrence for 2 years. In 9 patients intensity of pain was much reduced and duration of pain was less. They described their pain ‘just bearable’. In another 8 patients response was variable. Four patients showed no change at all in their pain character or intensity.’

Salim M (1993) Acupuncture Vs Carbamazepine in Trigeminal Neuralgia jpma.org.pk/full_article_text.php?article_id=4864

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