Drs Martin & Sue Allbright

'Blending an ancient medical approach of mind and body with modern health'


Acupuncture Research






We would like to share with you our personal view, beliefs and approach about the research that is presented on these pages.

We both value the research of modern science and the many developments that have been discovered.

We also value the depth of wisdom and knowledge of traditional and classical five element acupuncture, which integrates the many aspects of body and mind.

We acknowledge the information gained from research, and we endevaour to use it where appropriate when meeting the needs of an individual who is suffering in health.

We hope later to share more information on the five elements of acupuncture.


Classical Acupuncture

This site was last updated on

4th December 2024

Copyright O 2024 Allrights reserved



Achilles Tendon

Every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided in this site is accurate. It is not the intention to mislead or misinform anyone.

Acupuncture Malvern | Acupuncture Worcester | Acupuncture Worcestershire | Acupuncture West Midlands | Malvern Acupuncture | Worcester Acupuncture  Worcestershire Acupuncture | West Midlands Acupuncture


© copyright Drs Martin & Sue Allbright 2009 All rights reserved

Website design by MA

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A biopsychosocial approach to chronic midportion - Achilles tendinopathy. Case Report.

‘Results and Discussion. Acupuncture appeared to produce pain relief, improved function, and provided results comparable to those of other adjunctive treatments (e.g. extracorporeal shockwave therapy, platelet-rich plasma therapy, and autologous blood and corticosteroid injections) without the added risks of rupture or weakening tendon integrity. A holistic approach was used, and as such, the present results should be interpreted with caution. The subject received treatment that was consistent with a biopsychosocial healthcare model, which included the reduction of any health-related stress or anxiety, and the improvement of his sleep pattern. Conservative physiotherapy management was also provided in order to improve his range of movement and strength, and graded load management was used to progress the subject’s return to his previous activity levels. Nevertheless, acupuncture does seem to have played a key role in his recovery, and he subjectively reported a positive response to the treatment.’

A. M. Davidson A.M. (2016) A biopsychosocial approach to chronic midportion - Achilles tendinopathy. Case Report. Acupuncture in Physiotherapy, Volume 28, Number 1, Spring 2016, 00–00

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(2017) Successful Treatment of Achilles Tendinopathy with Electroacupuncture: Two Cases

‘Cases: Treatments for the 2 patients were performed in a deployed military treatment facility. SERIN. 0.25 mm · 40 mm needles placed at BL 60, BL 61, KI 3, and KI 4, with needles directed into the Achilles tendon of each patient. Needles were inserted until a firm catch of the needle entering the tendon was discerned. Energy was placed from KI 3(–) / KI 4(+) and BL61 (–) / BL 60(+) at 30 Hz for 15 minutes.

Results: Both patients reported symptomatic reduction in Achilles tendinopathy pain and functional improvement following the described treatments.’

Hawks MK. (2017) Successful Treatment of Achilles Tendinopathy with Electroacupuncture: Two Cases. MEDICAL ACUPUNCTURE. Volume 29, Number 3, 2017. # Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. DOI: 10.1089/acu.2017.1232