Classical Acupuncture
"We are both medical doctors practicing traditional -
"When you are having physical or emotional health problems, we draw on our unique blend of experience to help you. We hope we answer your questions about traditional acupuncture and what happens when you come to us for a consultation and treatment. If we have not, please feel free to speak to us. We are very happy to discuss any aspect of your health. From having worked within and outside of the NHS, together we have now over 86 years of experience."
"In Malvern and the surrounding areas, our medical colleagues and the local community recognise us as dual qualified acupuncture practitioners, who know when traditional Chinese acupuncture treatment can be of benefit in its own right and when it can also be used along side the work of conventional medicine. We also mentor, supervise and lecture other acupuncturists. We are co-
"Whilst our background in medicine influences our approach to running a modern acupuncture clinic, we are in no way a substitute for the expertise of your general practitioner."
"There is so much more that ancient Chinese medicine and acupuncture can do to help not just for your mind and body but also for your spirit and well being."
"We have chosen this way of offering health care."
Drs Allbright's acupuncture practice is based at the Beacon Clinic, Malvern, (WR14 2TA) centered between Worcestershire and Herefordshire. It has comfortable professional facilities all on the ground floor. This Malvern acupuncture centre is very accessible by train or bus or road and public parking is available close by. For details of how to find them go to 'Where we practice'.
"We hope you enjoy this website as much as we have had in creating it ourselves and that it answers some of your questions on acupuncture. If not we would really appreciate your constructive feedback."
Further down this page
Ailments and conditions The British Acupuncture Council have produced 'Research fact sheets’ for varous health issues.
Comments about Dr Martin Allbright from a GMC Confidential survey.
Drs Martin & Sue Allbright offering
Mentoring & Supervision for acupuncturists.
Drs Allbright Traditional Acupuncture Malvern | Drs Allbright Traditional Acupuncture Worcester | Acupuncture Cheltenham | Worcester acupuncture | Tewkesbury acupuncture | Pershore acupuncture | Acupuncture Gloucester | Cheltenham Acupuncture| Kidderminster acupuncture | Bromsgrove acupuncture | Acupuncture Worcestershire | Acupuncture West Midlands | Acupuncture Inkberrow | Acupuncture Inkberrow | Acupuncture Ledbury | Acupuncture Herefordshire | West Midlands acupuncture | Acupuncture Droitwich | Acupuncture Bromyard | Acupuncture Bewdley | Acupuncture Upton upon Severn | Acupuncture Tewkesbury | Acupuncture Pershore | Acupuncture Kidderminster | Droitwich acupuncture | Acupuncture Stourport on Severn | Acupuncture Bromsgrove | Acupuncture in Worcestershire | Acupuncture Martley | Malvern acupuncture | Worcester acupuncture | Worcestershire acupuncture | acupuncture Powick | acupuncture Ombersley | acupuncture Holt Heath | acupuncture Mathon | acupuncture Suckley | acupuncture Knightwick | acupuncture Bransford | acupuncture Kempsey | acupuncture Callow End | 'looking for an acupuncturist' |
Every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided in this site is accurate. It is not the intention to mislead or misinform anyone.
“People are increasingly recognising the immediate and ongoing quality of care that 'Classical five element acupuncture' provides in its holistic approach to well being. For most health issues, acupuncture can offer some help for the majority of people. And this we do across Worcestershire, Herefordshire, Gloucestershire and into parts of the West Midlands.”
The Worcestershire Beacon on the Malvern Hills overlooking the three counties at sunset.
Road sign pointing to the Beacon Clinic in Portland Road.
“We have been interested to find out where our clients have come from over the last 40 years of practicing acupuncture. Obviously apart from Malvern, Worcester and Upton upon Severn, they have come from Ledbury, Bromyard, Tewkesbury, Pershore, Inkberrow, and Birmingham. Interestingly we also discovered that there are a large number who come to us from Droitwich, Bewdley, Stourport on Severn and Bromsgrove, where they say they met us many years ago when we worked at the Kidderminster General and the old Worcester Hospitals.”
Ground floor wheelchair friendly
“Here are just a few of the areas we may use to help you:-
For more information on this professional aspect of being an acupuncturist please click this link.”
"We both provide Mentoring and Supervision for practitioners of acupuncture in Worcestershire and the surrounding areas either individually or in groups."
“Mentoring and Supervision enables you as a practitioner to gain a broader and deeper experience of yourself and this helps you become a more effective person.
It enables a growing sense of professional self-
Medical doctor acupuncture | BUPA acupuncture | Private acupuncture, medical acupuncture, western medical acupuncture, dry needling, trigger point acupuncture, dr acupuncture, doctors of acupuncture, acupuncture doctors, acupuncture doctor, doctor of acupuncture, Acupuncture clinic, acupuncture treatment, acupuncture help, acupuncture medicine, medical acupuncture, acupuncture pain, acupuncture therapy, Acupuncture Pain relief, acupuncture health, Acupuncture specialist, Dr Albright, Dr Martin Albright, Dr Sue Albright, School of 5 element acupuncture, School of Five element acupuncture, Fertility acupuncturist, Chinese pulse diagnosis, SOFEA, School of Five Element Acupuncture, College of Traditional Acupuncture Warwick, CTA Warwick, College of Traditional Acupuncture Leamington Spa, CTA Leamington Spa, Acupuncture adenosine local pain relief, acupuncture tennis elbow, fatigue, Insomnia, Sleep disturbance, disturbed sleep, sinusitis, hay fever, allergic rhinitis, endometriosis, sciatica, digestive problems, depression, stress, PMS, panic attacks, back pain, migraine, asthma, menopausal problems including hot flushes, rheumatoid arthritis, osteo, ME, osteoarthritis, infertility, anxiety, IBS, no energy, gynaecological problems, low energy, general feeling of being unwell, fibromyalgia, Pregnancy, fertility ,
Some client comments about Dr Martin Allbright from an anonymous 'Confidential Patient Questionnaire' carried out Oct / Nov. 2018.
I trust this doctor implicitly and because I have been seeing him for approximately 22 years this helps the relevant treatment.
I have complete trust in Dr Allbright, that his care and treatment given is always consistent professional and what is needed at the time.
I would have no hesitation in recommending Dr M Allbright to anybody.
Martin is very approachable and always professional.
I have known him for a very long time and have always felt very happy with the care and treatment I have received.
Fabulous! A marvellous healer of mind body and soul!
My doctor always remains very focussed on me during the time we have together.
I have been consulting this doctor for almost 10 years. In my opinion, he has had a major impact on my continued health.
Dr M. Allbright is very knowledgeable and able to answer all my questions relating to treatment and outcome.
Excellent doctor.
Both the treatment and the opportunity to discuss my concerns have been of immense benefit to both my physical and mental wellbeing over the past few years and have enabled me to cope with an on-
Aware of constant effort of the doctor to update clinical practice.
There is always a sense of well-
Allergic rhinitis
Colds and flu
Bells palsy
Substance misuse
Tennis elbow
Female fertility
Male infertility
Infertility & ART
Premenstrual syndrome
Menopausal symptoms
Urinary incontinence
Eczema and Psoriasis
Herpes Zoster (Shingles)
Colds and Flu
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Cancer Care
Post Operative Pain
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Please feel free to telephone either Sue or Martin and we will listen and advise you about your situation.
Please be aware when contacting us we will probably be treating clients and so we may not be able to speak to you straight away.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorders COPD
Nausea and Vomiting
Irritable Bowel Disorders IBS
Gastrointestinal tract disorders
There are many ways in which acupuncture can help a person not just physically but also in your mind emotions and spirit.
Below are just a few of the 'conditions' in which the British Acupuncture Council have compiled research. This link will take you to their website where you can see some of the research but not necessary all the latest.